6 Ways to Build Strength of Individual Team Members

Have you ever played Lego as a kid? Do you recall the interesting part of this construction game with loads of interlocking building blocks? The great thing about Lego is that almost every Lego piece connects with each other, with few exceptions, of course. Individual team members within a workplace are like those Lego pieces – unique and independent.

It is not by chance that while recruiting a new employee; most of the interviewers ask questions like “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” There is a reason behind it. Developing a good team involves bringing individuals from different backgrounds with unique skill sets together who would work towards a common goal.

Although the real strength of a team is each member, the core strength of each team member lies within the team itself. It is only by developing an individual’s unique talents and skills that the person can realize his/her full potential or strength.

Exploring Strength in the Workplace: 

Well, if you are thinking the answer is “skills”, then you are going in the opposite direction! It is somewhat true that these two words – strength and skill – can be used interchangeably but still there is a subtle difference. Strength is something we are naturally good at or passionate about - our innate skills sets; while skill is something that we learn and master gradually through years of practicing.   

In an environment where we are all working as a team, a few of us may shy away from showing our true abilities. That is when the teamwork falls behind. Because a team is quite like the cells in our bodies, where every action takes place. If any of the cells stop working, the impact affects the entire body.

Fostering Strength within the Workplace: 

Strength unites individuals under common goals and values, making the team a unit. Leading a high-performing team means doing more than just directing and delegating tasks. This task might seem overwhelming for someone in a leadership position trying to strengthen a team, but it is manageable. Here’s how – 

•    Keeping Communications Transparent:  Communicating openly with each other, sharing each other’s ideas, points of view, and expertise within a team is crucial to keep everyone in the loop. Whether it’s virtual or face-to-face, communication helps us build relationships and interpersonal skills giving each team member a chance to express their brainstorming ideas and opinions.

•    Fostering Open-Door Policy: The open-door policies, according to recent research, help to establish employee trust and strength as employees feel free to take risks and come up with creative solutions along with speaking their minds without fear of losing their jobs.

•    Empowering Each Other: While working as a team, empowering the other teammates is highly essential to support the team as a whole. Individuals often feel more productive when they are empowered and offered support from the organization itself.  

•    Embracing Diversity:  There is something unique about every individual as each can offer expertise and knowledge that others cannot. It is important to have diversity so that every skill can be covered by someone or the other member of the team. Individuals from different backgrounds, ages, cultures, etc. can also bring creativity and diverse ideas to the table.

•    Celebrating Success and Failure:  Be it the weekly or monthly milestone, celebrating is one of the most efficient ways to bring the team together. On the contrary, if the team fails to achieve something, we should redirect our efforts together and turn it into something positive to figure out the next steps instead of blaming each other.

•    Focusing on Wellbeing:  While working as a team, we can take account into each other’s physical and mental wellbeing. It is highly essential for people to feel included and valued. Having a healthy and more inclusive culture results in more engagement and better morale for all, as people feel engaged and have a higher sense of purpose.

Final Words: 

We all are social creatures. Collaborating and coordinating is a unique ability that our species has developed to achieve otherwise inaccessible goals. In the workplace, especially, no matter what role we play, it is crucial to provide support to individual team members around us. We must act as Strength Advocates to help each other within the team to use our talents and innate gifts in a fuller way. 

TAGS - positive vibes positive energy positive thinking art of balancing worklife balance

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