How Cloud Technologies Secure Your Network?

cloud solution

Cloud ComputingWritten By: Suman Kumar Paul

It's understandable to be concerned about the security of your data when it's stored in the cloud infrastructure. After all, your information, documents, and videos are kept on servers over which you have no control. You may be wondering how vulnerable these servers are to cybercriminals.

But here's the truth: the data you save with cloud service providers is probably safer than the data you've saved on your local hard drive. 

Remember that hackers might use malware and phishing emails to get access to the data on your devices. They may freeze your system and demand a ransom before releasing the locked information and folders.

What Makes Cloud Technologies So Safe?

Firstly, servers are typically placed in warehouses that regular employees do not have access to.
Secondly, a cloud service encrypts the information that is stored on them. This indicates they are fragmented, making it far more difficult for attackers to access.

Here are some of the security protocols that cloud technologies typically employ to safeguard your network and its data.

•    Regular Security Updates

How frequently do you overlook updates to your operating system, browser, or email service? In the realm of computer security, that is a no-no. These updates frequently include technologies meant to safeguard your devices from some of the most recent viruses or malware. When you put your information in the cloud, the company in charge of the servers should keep its security protocols up to date. You don’t have to worry about downloading an update. Your cloud service provider's encryption techniques will be updated regularly.

•    AI Tools With Secure Patching

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is also being used by cloud service providers to help safeguard your data. This is important: it is hard to discover competent security personnel to manage data. Cloud providers, on the other hand, may use AI to handle at least the initial level of security assessments. These applications rely on built-in algorithms to check for and detect potential security flaws.

•    Built-In Firewalls

Cloud companies, too, depend on firewalls to effectively secure your data. As the name indicates, this technology serves as a wall to preserve your data from theft. Firewalls, which can be either hardware or software-based, enforce protocols to all network traffic. These rules are intended to filter out unwanted traffic and keep your personal information protected behind the firewall. This makes it extremely challenging for cybercriminals to get malware or viruses through your cloud service provider's security protocols.

•    Superior Data Redundancy

What about hardware problems or power failures? Will you be able to retrieve your files if your cloud provider experiences a catastrophic calamity or a widespread outrage? Yes, since the majority of the largest cloud providers employ redundancy. This signifies that they replicate your information and store it in multiple data centers. Although if one server fails, you may still retrieve your data from a secondary backup server.

•    Third-Party Security Testing

Every cloud provider must also engage independent security firms to examine its servers and technology regularly to ensure that they are secure against hackers, cybercriminals, and the latest malware and viruses. This external testing increases the likelihood that your cloud provider will have the necessary protections in place to keep intruders out of your data.

How Does VTPL’s Cloud Technologies Keeps Your Network Secured?

VTPL serves as a centralized administrative platform for cloud infrastructure security throughout all forms of cloud architecture, including multi-cloud and hybrid cloud environments. VTPL's product architecture is based on a global proxy network allowing businesses to enforce uniform security rules across all of their clouds while also preventing DDoS assaults and vulnerability exploitation.

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